Monday, November 4, 2013

It's getting better :)

So it's Monday, and I feel a whole lot better about everything. First of all, we are finally completely out of the house AND the garage. We no longer live in Niles, we are homeless vagabonds. I feel like our travels have already started :) In the last two weeks I have really seen why Mike's playa name is "strong like bull" and I think mine should be "weak like butterfly wing", but I'm going to pretend like I bring other things to the table.

I'm also excited to report, that we have visas to Australia and bought tickets to NZ. We are flying to SF on 12/7 using our wonderful Southwest miles, and then flying to NZ on the 12/9. We were supposed to Skype with Olichka over the weekend, but that didn't pan out too well due to the whole belated moving issue. She did send us an awesome email that I found a little intimidating, but I will study tonight and tomorrow. The one thing that I did get out of it last night, is that she is as excited to see us as we are to see her - so that's always good.

I'm actually looking forward to breaking the news of my departure to the grandparents this coming weekend. I think that my parents night be underestimating them, and I hope that I'm proven right. Also, I really hate lying, and this will finally free me up, to not pretend that I don't want to buy a new car, for no reason at all, and I LOVE carpooling. Also, when they ask me "what's new" I will actually be able to tell them instead of saying nothing, and wanting the conversation to end.

One thing that I didn't count on so far, was how upset both Mike's and my parents are about us going. I can understand that they will miss us, we will miss them too, but they seem worried. When I ask them about it they can't really give me any concrete reason. The closest I got, was my mom telling me that she's worried, because she knows that Mike and I do crazy things, and that we will do those things away from anyone who can help us if anything goes wrong. Mike's mom, can't tell me exactly what is bothering her, just that she doesn't want us to go.

I know it's selfish, but I really wish that they could share my excitement. Now, every time I come over to any of the parents houses it feels like they are about to head to a funeral. I understand that this is not what they signed up for when they took Mike and I to the US as kids, but we are choosing opportunities that would not be available to us if we still lived in the former USSR, so in a way we are doing when they wanted us to. They all say that we will understand when we have kids.

That's all for now :)


  1. Good thing I saw you post this on Facebook, otherwise I would not have known you guys will be in town in December. Would be great to get together while you are here!
